
A boundary object is a social concept that describes information used in different ways by different people. The key part of a boundary object is that “thing” can be recognised by several communities as the same thing. Brief 1a, People, was split into two parts, with the aim to create two different boundary objects teaming up with two different people.


We had to identify a shared common interest, exploring this subject to create a boundary object that developed a shared language, understanding or interaction. For this brief I worked with William Morris, creating a boundary object around our shared subjectof Optimism and smiling.



For this brief me and my project partner Will focused on our shared interest of optimism and smiling. We created a face mask badge set, for Samaritans charity. The badges were designed to help prevent people hiding their emotions behind the current mandatory facial coverings. We created a set of five different badges each displaying different emotions and facial expressions. The boundary object would allow the user to communicate their emotions to others.