
The year is 2025 and there’s a space race to a planet potentially capable of supporting human life, Harmonia. The challenge was to use design fiction to come up with a product, system or service to help the mission.



I became fascinated with the after effects of space travel, finding out for every day in space you need one day to recover as zero gravity gives you a whole lot of complications. For example, it hurts to walk, sit, your spine shrinks, your heart forgets how to pump blood around your body. It would take roughly eight months to get to Harmonia, and they don’t have eight months to recover. So I chose to design a diagnostic suit, branded by Fitbit, to diagnose any health concerns whilst on Harmonia, with the latest technology comforting and helping the astronauts as they work. With a personalised AI assistant speaking to you during the day, and an app to check during the night, the astronauts can get to work as soon as possible.